Vision Statement
NDSEC is committed to being a catalyst for educational best practices.
Mission Statement
NDSEC is devoted to the promotion of students' skills that will enable them to become life-long learners, confident and contributing members of an accepting society.
Leadership and Best Practices
Best educational practices are implemented through continuous evaluation and improvement. These processes will include identification and dissemination of best practices, translating research into practices, and identifying and enhancing practices occurring in member districts.
Staff Development and Technology
Provide ongoing staff development opportunities in order to strengthen skilled professionals.
Collaboration and Partnerships
Expand and strengthen relationships with parents, other community agencies, and private providers to maximize resources and continue top quality services.
Assess Program Effectiveness
Systems for evaluation of program effectiveness and student progress must be refined and expanded.
Fiscal/Generating Revenues
Provide services to support effective revenue utilization and develop new sources of revenue.